Monday, December 12, 2011

A Few Recents

Kinder Spiel

Luke and Tucker's friend Noah celebrated his 4th birthday party at Kinder Spiel and the boys had the best time! The party was Ratatouille themed after his favorite cartoon. Noah's mom brought aprons for all of the kids to decorate and white chef hats for the kids to wear. After decorating their aprons and putting on their hats they got to decorate cup cakes.
Tucker decorated his apron with stickers and markers.
Luke enjoyed decorating his apron but wasn't very interested in his chef's hat.
I convinced Luke to put on his hat for one picture. After three takes I got a pretty good one.
Here are all the toppings the kids got to choose from to decorate their cupcakes.
Daddy helped Tucker not make too big of a mess on the table.
Luke didn't need help, he knew exactly what he was doing.
We haven't figured out why he can't smile for the camera.
Open wide!

Tucker took one bite and decided it looked better than it actually tasted.
This rat is the mascot of Kinder Spiel, he came around and wished all of the birthday kids a very happy birthday.

Fall Feast

Luke's class combined with three other classes and celebrated fall feast. It took place at 5:00 pm in the schools cafeteria and it was a potluck provided by parents. Me and Luke made his headband for the program the night before and had the best time doing it. The kids got up and sang songs about turkey's and the different seasons. It was really cute.
Here is Luke with his best buddy Brett.
Tucker obviously had a great time at the program.
Luke and Brett with their super cool head bands.
Here is Luke with his class. Cute right?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween 2011

This year the 721st AMXS, which is Micah's squadron, had their first Trunk or Treat. It turned out pretty well for the first one. Nine families decorated trunks and tons of candy was donated. There was a decent turn out as far as kids went. We plan on doing this every year and hope that it will continue to grow, it was a great way to start of the day. Trick or Trunk lasted from 2:00 to 4:00 with actual base trick or treating beginning at 5:00. The kids enjoyed a costume contest and a free pumpkin along with getting to hit up every trunk for candy multiple times. I think at last count Tucker went to each trunk 15 times! There was a trunk contest for the families and ours came in Second! We received a 75 dollar gift card for all of our hard work and by our I mean Micah.
Family photo in front of our fabulous trunk!
James, Tucker and Luke. I really wish I had gotten more pics throughout the night of our kiddos.
Micah asked one thing of me all night, NOT to call him Edward.

Our family with our second place trunk.
I couldn't get a picture of Luke, but here is Tuck with his stash. Not too shabby. We will NEVER eat all of this candy!

Birthday Extravaganza!

The worst part of having birthday is that you do not get to take many pictures because there is so much to do! We had the boys birthdays, Luke 6 and Tucker 4, at Yaba Doo this year. It's a great place for parties and can accommodate a LOT of people. We had 19 kids and almost 2 adults per child.
Here are a few of their friends watching them blow out their cup cakes.
Opening a few gifts. I'm thankful to whom ever took these pics, it was not me.
Here is a smiling Luke with Iron man. Sadly I have zero of Tucker opening gifts. They had a great party and so much fun with their friends. Big thanks to everyone who made their day special!


For the boys birthday this year we took them to Prague in the Czech Republic.
Crossing the border!
From the top of the astronomical clock. We got an incredible view of Old Town.
Tucker wanted to climb over the edge and look down. Luke wanted to get back in the elevator and go back down. I think one of our children may be a little scared of heights.
View of Old Town Square.
View of Old Town Square.
Walking down the clock.
The Astronomical clock, I wish I had gotten a picture with better light. The clock was first installed in 1410 and is the 3rd oldest astronomical clock in the world. It is the only one still working.
We stayed in a flat instead of a hotel. The boys really enjoyed their bed and after the 6 hour drive had no interest in site seeing.
Wenceslas Square.
St. Vitus Cathedral.
Micah was trying to get a good picture and Tucker was trying to see the pic as Micah was taking it.
The backside of St. Vitus Cathedral.
One of the altars in the church. It was just a little creepy.
Changing of the guards at Prague Castle.
A marionette store.
While eating at the Hard Rock Cafe our car got booted! I felt like Lightning McQueen. This is what happens when you park in an illegal spot.
Wenceslas Square.
The Charles Bridge. On July 9, 1357 at 5:31 am Charles IV personally laid the first foundation stone for the bridge. This bridge replaced the Judith bridge that was destroyed in a flood. Until 1841 it was the only way to cross the Vltava river to get to Prague Castle from Old Town. I believe it is also the oldest stone bridge in Europe.
View of St. Vitus Cathedral from Old Town.
I have absolutely no idea what this is, but we parked next to it and it looked cool.
One of the bridge towers of the Charles Bridge.
One of the 30 statues on the St. Charles Bridge.
Micah and the boys on the bridge.
Me and Micah.
Micah and the boys.
Bridge Tower.

The Old Jewish Cemetery was the last sight to see before heading home. The boys and Micah sat this one out and I got to walk through it alone. The cemetery lies in the Jewish quarter of Prague. The oldest tombstone dates 1439. There are approximately 12,000 tombstones. The graves are on top of graves and it is estimated that there could be as many as 100,000 burials in all.