Monday, December 12, 2011

A Few Recents

Kinder Spiel

Luke and Tucker's friend Noah celebrated his 4th birthday party at Kinder Spiel and the boys had the best time! The party was Ratatouille themed after his favorite cartoon. Noah's mom brought aprons for all of the kids to decorate and white chef hats for the kids to wear. After decorating their aprons and putting on their hats they got to decorate cup cakes.
Tucker decorated his apron with stickers and markers.
Luke enjoyed decorating his apron but wasn't very interested in his chef's hat.
I convinced Luke to put on his hat for one picture. After three takes I got a pretty good one.
Here are all the toppings the kids got to choose from to decorate their cupcakes.
Daddy helped Tucker not make too big of a mess on the table.
Luke didn't need help, he knew exactly what he was doing.
We haven't figured out why he can't smile for the camera.
Open wide!

Tucker took one bite and decided it looked better than it actually tasted.
This rat is the mascot of Kinder Spiel, he came around and wished all of the birthday kids a very happy birthday.

Fall Feast

Luke's class combined with three other classes and celebrated fall feast. It took place at 5:00 pm in the schools cafeteria and it was a potluck provided by parents. Me and Luke made his headband for the program the night before and had the best time doing it. The kids got up and sang songs about turkey's and the different seasons. It was really cute.
Here is Luke with his best buddy Brett.
Tucker obviously had a great time at the program.
Luke and Brett with their super cool head bands.
Here is Luke with his class. Cute right?