December came and went. It flew by and I barely remember a thing. School let out for Christmas break and when I woke up the next day it was already January! Okay, it didn't exactly happen that fast, but it sure does feel like it did. To kick of Christmas break Luke attended a Karate Tech seminar to earn his green belt. It was kinda lousy because it landed on the same day as the squadron children's Christmas party. Micah and I split up and he took Luke to the seminar and I took Tucker to the Christmas party.

After the seminar we made cookies. For some reason when I uploaded pictures the website put them in whatever order it wanted to, so I'll do the best I can.

This was actually Thanksgiving day. We always put our tree up on Thanksgiving and to be honest come Christmas day I'm ready for it to come down! Tucker enjoys putting on ornaments.

Tucker surprised me by voluntarily sitting on Santa's lap! He jumped right up and couldn't wait to get his gift from Santa. I'm a bit surprised he didn't recognize the book he got considering he picked it out the day before.

While we were at the Christmas party this was what Luke was doing. Here he is going over his form with the other orange belts while the parents looked on. The seminar lasted 3 hours.

Luke waiting patiently for his next instruction.

And we're jumping back to making cookies.

The week before Christmas break is watch week in karate class. All sports and youth activities take the two weeks off during Christmas break, which is very nice. Luke got to fight twice in class and won both of his matches. He's getting so good.

Professor Jorge didn't order enough belts, well actually there were a few kids who didn't sign up in time that showed up to the seminar, so Luke had to wait until the next class to receive his green belt. He was very proud to get to show it off. Also, you probably can't tell, but Luke is missing a tooth! The Thursday before school let out his class went on a field trip to the PAX terminal and he was given lunch which consisted of really hard bread. It was that morning that he told me his tooth was loose. I thought it would take a good two weeks before that tooth was ready to come out, but after eating hard bread when the kids returned to class that tooth came right out! He received a dollar a was a bit disappointed. How much did he think he would get for that little thing anyways?

A few days before Christmas we open gifts from our family and friends back home. Luke was very patiently waiting to open gifts where Tucker had been asking every day to open them. It was just killing him that they were all there under the tree staring at him and he couldn't do a thing about it.

A gift from Mimi and Papa Pogue.

And we're back to watch week at karate.

A gift from Mimi. Tucker is obsessed with Jaws, well all sharks actually.

Christmas morning. We heard the boys talking in the hall discussing the fact that Santa had come and if they should wake mom and dad up or just go play. A moment later our door opened and two very excited boys came in to tell us how much stuff was under the tree.

Luke had a Star Wars Christmas. EVERYTHING was Star Wars.

Here are all the Lego's that we worked on Christmas day. Those are Star Wars Lego's.

And here is a picture of Tucker opening gifts from Mimi and Papa. Also in the month of December our spouses group fed the squadron, made cookies for the squadron, volunteered at Project Rudolph and helped feed the Fisher House. We also planned our squadron Christmas Party and attended it. It was one busy December!