Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Micah had to work over spring break this year, so we only had two days to enjoy during spring break.  We spent it the best way we knew how.  Disneyland Paris.  Amazing.  Luke and Tuck were so excited.  The only down side is that the forecast called for rain ever day this week.  It rained off and on both days we were at Disney.  In Europe it rains ALL THE TIME, so a little rain wasn't going to stop us!  When the rain really started coming down we thought for sure all the lines would be shorter...well that did NOT happen.  We made good use of getting fast passes and browsing stores, to keep from getting soaked, waiting for our chance to go to the front of the line.  I have also never been anywhere but Florida where it is usually pretty hot and Disneyland Paris was everything Florida was not.  It was cold and it rained and we had the best time.
It was the 20 year anniversary for the park.  This is the park entrance.
The very first ride we rode.
Can you tell Tucker is excited?  Buzz is his hero.
This ride is so much fun!
I think Luke was protesting to having his picture made when I shot this one.
After riding Pirates of the Caribbean.  One of my personal favorite rides.
Tucker was less than thrilled.

It's a Small World!  Another one of my favorites!
Me and my sweetie.
One of the boys favorites, Thunder Mountain Railroad.
I thought the army soldiers were pretty cool.
The second time we rode Buzz Lightyear.

The castle was absolutely amazing.  Inside there was a glass store and Christmas store.  You could climb some stairs and there were story books and animations.  There was also an amazing balcony on the back of the castle you could look out onto fantasy land.  Under the castle on the left was the dragon's lair. 

You had to go under the hotel to get to the entrance of the park.
We stayed at the Magic Circus Hotel.  The boys loved their accommodations. 

I was a little disappointed we could not get Luke to climb into the car.
Entrance to MGM Studios.
Day 2:  This is Main Street.  You can see the castle way off in the distance and as you can see the rain did not keep the people away.

Another photo of the castle.  It had a mote and water show!  AMAZING.
Each kid picked out one toy.  Tucker picked the Potato Heads.
A third time on Buzz Lightyear.
Luke went with Star Wars and a hat.
The second day we started off at MGM Studios.  We got there when the park opened and we were able to get to the Tower of terror without the boys actually seeing the ride.  You know, how you can watch the tower and the doors open, the people scream, and they disappear?  The boys didn't see this.  It's a good thing because we may not have convinced them to get on the ride if they had.  Our poor, unsuspecting, naive children.  They realized really quick that something wasn't quite right with the ride.  I know I completely duped my kids by taking them on the ride without full disclosure, but I really wanted to see their reactions! PRICELESS!  They hated it.  They never want to ride it again.  I wish I had a picture.  I bought the one they take when you're about to drop, but the only ones screaming are me and Micah, the boys just look confused.  Poor little guys.  We finished the rest of the day at Magic Kingdom, there weren't any rides at the other park.  We stayed until four and headed home.  I would love to go spend a few more days there.  It was magical.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

Like all holidays here in Germany there were amazing markets to attend. The week before Easter we spent Sunday afternoon at an Easter Market.
The guys in front of a decorated Easter egg tree.
Easter weekend was very busy for our family. Saturday morning we began bright and early dyeing our eggs.
Luke's favorite egg was the one he had here in his hands.
Tucker stuck to dye in cups. It was a lot less messy for him.
Like Christmas me and Micah had to split up and take the kids to different events. Luke had a karate seminar where he earned his blue belt and Tucker attended the squadron Easter egg hunt.
Tucker with the Easter bunny. When he got off his knee he informed me that he wasn't real, he was a costumed bunny. Nothing gets past Tuck.
Here Tucker is collecting one of the 17 eggs he found at the hunt.
Here is Tucker with a few of the kids at the hunt.
Luke loves karate and didn't want to miss a seminar to enjoy the squadron Christmas party and then made the same decision when it came to the Easter egg hunt.
Luke with Professor Jorge after he earned his blue belt.
Tucker made sure to pick Luke up an Easter bag that the spouses group supplied for the kiddos. Micah picked us up after the hunt, Tucker and I walked to it. Tucker was too cool to wear his cool Easter shades at the hunt, but he put them on since Luke did.
Luke wanted to show and work on some moves when he got home from his seminar. He was excited to put on his blue belt and Tuck wanted to wear his green belt while they sparred.
Sunday morning the boys woke up to find the Easter bunny had stopped by and left them some goodies! They loved their puzzles and goodies. It's never easy being away from families during holidays, but we are so thankful for the good friends we've met and especially the spouses group for always putting together such amazing treats for the kids.