Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

In our years of marriage Micah and I have never had a tree over two foot tall. The past two years we didn't have a tree at all! It seemed silly to put up a tree when we came home to Kentucky on December 10th and didn't return to Delaware until after New Years. This year we have decided to have our first Christmas in our own home. I realize you're not supposed to decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but Micah got a little excited this year and we were all decorated a week before Thanksgiving! First were the lights on our house and little trees in our garden trimmed with lighted candy canes. Next was picking out the perfect tree! Our tree is beautiful. It's 7 1/2 foot tall prelit tree with 1,000 LED lights. We put our tree up while the boys were sleeping and we were so excited for them to wake up and see it. Luke loved the tree he was so excited and can't wait for Santa to come see him. Tucker on the other hand was scared to death of our tree. He points at it and screams at it never getting too close. He has since warmed up to the tree and all our ornaments have been moved half way up the tree and he enjoys pulling the tinsel off, it's gotten so bad I can't wait to take it down.

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