Friday, December 31, 2010


I asked my mom years ago why there are no picture of me and my brothers for about a 3 year span, not that I'm complaining I was going through the "awkward" years and don't really want to relive them, but I was still curious. She smiled and told me that when she got her video camera she didn't take pictures. I figured out how hard it is to take picture and video tape this year. I have NO picture of the boys opening their gifts Christmas day and very few of Christmas Eve. This is what I managed to get.
The boys waiting patiently for us to tell them they can open their presents.

And here they go. It's a shame you can't tell how much fun they're having in this picture.
Luke loves Guess Who. He was very excited.
Tucker actually loved his train he's holding and was a little aggravated to have to stop and say cheese.
This was Tucker's favorite gift. Nothing says Christmas like a Batman costume.
Our Christmas Eve tradition is making sugar cookies.
This is how I spent the day after Christmas. I probably assembled over 1000 Lego's that day.
This is Tucker's town. They had the best time with their Lego's.
Tucker couldn't make it any longer.

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