So it's Luke's first basketball season! We were really excited for him to play after having such a great soccer season. Luke loves being out on the court and running with his friends. Here he is walking away from the ball. I don't think he even knows where the ball is. He must have known I was taking a picture.

Action shot.

Where's the ball?

Another action shot.

Here's the team getting a little pep talk from coach Shannon. Luke is number 3, you can see how small he is. When the kids get the ball no one wants to pass, they all want to shoot of course! You hear all the parents and coaches yell pass to Luke he's open, or which ever kid is standing there not hiking his pants up to his chest. (We also have a kid who pulls his jersey over his head and plays looking through the mesh of the jersey, it's pretty funny.) Of course they don't pass they get as close to the basket as they can and shoot. When Luke gets the ball, which isn't often, the minute someone yells pass the ball...he does. I have to admit he makes some pretty good passes, but I'd still like to see him score too. After 4 games he has taken a total of 3 shots. And, hasn't made any of them, not totally his fault though the other kids tower over him. After his last game I asked him why he doesn't take any shots. His reply was, "Mommy, I don't want to be the guy who shoots the ball. I want to be the guy that passes the ball." I'm very proud of his selflessness, but I can't help but think he gets a little embarrassed when he misses. Whatever his motivation at least he's having fun!
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