Friday, June 17, 2011

One Last Hoorah

This pic got deleted by accident and when uploading it it went here. I really don't feel like doing all this again, so it's going to have to stay here. Luke was very proud of his first bass. I really wanted to keep it and mount it, but dad said we'd get into a little trouble if we did. So, back into the lake it went.

Me, dad, Lucas and Tucker always spend a week at the lake during our trips to Kentucky. My kids love swimming and fishing!
Before every fishing trip we all take a dip.
Dad taught us how to set the hook. What you don't see in this picture is that dad missed the fish.
Ty loves fishing. More specifically he loves bass fishing. I've never seen a dog get so excited when the bass jumps.
Here is Luke with our first bass of the trip.
My boys favorite part of the fishing trip is the candy dock. We love going to Wax Marina and seeing Kim and Ron Wheeler.
They always give us bread to feed the fish.
And there are a lot of fish to feed.
Tuck with a bass.
You can see how excited he was that I wanted to take another picture.
Here are the boys with a few of dads catches.
Our proud fisherman.
Luke made the cast, set the hook and got the fish in the boat all by himself!

This is as close as tuck got to "the catch of the day."
Luke holding "the catch of the day." Dad caught it with Lucky (a one legged blue chunk. :)
Dad with his huge fish. 4 pounds 11 oz to be exact.
A few of our bluegill fishies.
Luke with a bluegill.
Tuck with a bluegill.
Luke's first ever catfish.
Tuck with the ugly little thing.
And Luke, he was so excited.
The boys having a conversation. I would love to know what Luke was saying to make Tucker make that funny face.
Luke and Beana on Big Bertha.
Climbing the rock.
Jumping off the rock.
Tuck hanging out with pap.
Coming back down the rock.
Me and Tuck on the tube.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kentucky Fun

Visiting Kentucky is always fun for my boys. Here are a few highlights so far from our trip.
Playing with underwear on our heads.
Visiting the Louisville zoo.
Look! I'm almost as big as a gorilla!
Look! I think I am a gorilla!
Look! I AM a gorilla!
Tucker at the petting zoo.
Luke at the petting zoo.
Lizards, alligators and snakes...oh my.
Goodbye zoo.
Nolin Lake is a favorite for my boys and fishing is something they find a lot of fun. Luke and a big catch. (It wasn't his big catch.)
You can see how far the water had been up.
Going to the ramp, we couldn't get to our dock without swimming, to take a dip.
Come on in the water's nice!
Cruising on the pontoon.
When the fisherman came back they had a ton of bass for the boys to check out.