Sunday, January 11, 2009


Luke, like many 3 year olds loves tattoos. His first was from Capri Sun package and it was of a guitar, now he thinks all tattoos are called guitars. I realize only parents find that kind of mistake cute but it's even cuter because he mispronounces it. He says contar instead of guitar. The second thing I find adorable and annoying at the same time is that he constantly asks, "where that come from mommy?" He was sitting beside Micah on the couch and asked Micah where his contar come from. Micah told him where he got it and he tried to wipe it off his arm. When it didn't come off he got a little upset and tried to scratch it off! It was priceless.
I'm also happy to report that everyone in our family is finally better. Last Sunday we got plagued with the flu. Tucker was hit first and the hardest, but by Wednesday he was much better. Luke got the bug on Thursday and me on Friday! Ugh! Micah had to work all week so you can imagine how much fun it's been around here. Micah never got the bug, he got his flu shot this year, lucky dog. As of today all appetites are back to normal and I lost 6 pounds! Now if I can just avoid eating I won't gain it back!

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