FESTIVALS! One of the best parts of Germany are ALL of the amazing festivals. Festivals begin in the fall and last through Christmas. This past weekend we spent Saturday at the Bernkastel-Keus Mittlemosel Wein Festival and had the best time with friends. People drink in Germany...a lot. They like it so much they have these festivals revolved around drinking! You pay 4 euro for a glass of wine at one of the many booths you come across. Two euro is a down payment for the glass and two euro for the wine. You keep your glass all day and refill it at different booths for around two euro per drink. At the end of the day you can turn your glass in and get two euro back, or you can keep it as a souvenir like we do. :)

This is the Mosel River. The side we are on has the carnival rides and booths selling different random German goods. They sell anything from carnival food (brats, pork steak sandwiches, etc.) to scarfs and lawn ornaments. This is where we watched the firework show that took place at 9 pm. In the distance you see a bridge, on the other side of the bridge is more food and most of the wine booths.

This is the view from the bridge looking over the Mosel.

When I said they sell random goods like yard ornaments this is what I meant. What cracked me up about this particular vendor was that some of his barrels said Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey on them.

Here is our only family photo we got while there and you can see the castle in the background. They shot fireworks from the castle which was really cool. I wish we had had time to tour the castle, but there was too many other things to do.

Here are a few of the guys we went to the festival with. By this time we had lost a few members of our group. From left to right Jhared Hoffman, Micah, (the only person holding a coke and not a beer) Shannon Lambert, Kyle Stryker and Kyle McWilliams.

And a few of the girls. Bre McWilliams holding Aubrey, Katy Stryker holding Lilly, Rachel Martin holding Payton (who belongs to Bre) and Me holding my purse. :)

This is one of the many alleys in the village. This alley opened up into a square where a band was playing.

Luke is in the blue, Luke Stryker in the red and Payton McWilliams in the blue tank. During the last song the band played a Congo line formed and some random old lady grabbed Luke Stryker and made him participate. When the line came around the second time the same old lady got out of line and came over to grab my Luke who ducked behind me and avoided being grabbed. It was hillarious! Luke was not about to do ANY dancing at this party.

Normally I am the one with the camera taking the pics, but here is one of the very few pics I am in.

Tucker didn't miss an opportunity to throw webs on anyone who passed by.

A view of the village from the bridge.

A photo of some of the vendor booths.

Luke and Tuck took a pony ride.

And they rode the Himalaya, which they call the Cheetah, 4 times!
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