Sunday, August 19, 2012

Field Day

Me, Micah and Tucker attended Field Day this year with Luke, as did most parents.  We had quite a bit to do that day so we only got to stay for about an hour and a half.  They had activities set up and the kids rotated activities every few minutes.  Tucker has wanted NOTHING to do with going to school until Field Day.  He didn't want to leave and decided that he can not wait to start school so he can go to Field Day too.  Mrs. Cepeda, Luke's teacher, was very kind and let Tucker join in the festivities.

 Luke and Brett tossing bean bags.
Tucker joining the group with, from left, Noah, Luke and Brett.
 Inside the jumpy castle.
 On the playground.
On the playground.
Egg race.
Tucker when we told him we were leaving.
Javelin throw.

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