Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Visit Home

What do you guys want to do for your birthdays this year?  WE WANT TO GO TO KENTUCKY!!  Okay then.  We didn't get to come home for the summer, so I was more than happy to make their birthday wishes come true.  The boys had been in school for about 3 weeks when we headed home.  We left the first of October, we tried to get out on September 29th with no luck, but we made it home early in the afternoon October 1.  I don't know who was more excited the kids or my parents! 
 On day one we were all pretty exhausted from the LONG day of travel and decided to relax and hang out at mom and dads and just enjoy the day.
 The boys love riding their go-cart and this year they were the perfect size.
 In the past they have needed a little padding behind them to help them reach the pedals, this year they were both a perfect fit.
 Tucker doesn't care much for driving, so Luke gets to have all the fun.
 Not that mom and dad mind the boys wearing out their grass driving around their yard, but we thought it would be fun to take a cruise up and down Pina. 
 Me and dad rode on the golf cart and Luke thought he was Mario Andretti.  We raced up and down the street and Luke did everything in his power to keep dad from passing him on the golf cart.  We had a blast!

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