Sunday, November 4, 2012

August 27, 2012

The first day of school!  Luke will be attending Ramstein American Elementary School again this year for first grade.  It is now November and I am just getting around to blogging about it, so I have forgotten many details, so this is going to be more of a picture type blog. 

 Luke picked out his own outfit.  These days the G.I. Joe shirt is his favorite.
 A full shot of my handsome little first grader!
 Tuck is not sad that Luke is going to school, he is sad he has to walk with us.  He really wanted to stay home and watch cartoons.  He's such a supportive little brother.
 There are 15 first grade classes at RES and would you believe that Luke's best friend from last year, Brett, would be in his first grade class too?  They were so excited.  All the kids waited in the cafeteria until they were taken to their classes.
 Luke walking to his classroom.
 Getting instructions from the teacher.
 One last smile before we left him for the day.  He's getting so big.
When we got home from dropping Luke off Tucker was in a much better mood. 

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