Sunday, November 4, 2012

Karate Take Two

When Tucker turned three we put him in Karate Tech thinking he would love it as much as Luke did.  Well, he didn't.  He wasn't ready at all.  As a matter of fact he lasted a month and cried every time I told him to get dressed.  So, we took him out and decided we'd try again when he was ready.  The time has come.  About a week before Luke started school Tucker told us he wanted to take karate.  Awesome!  So far it has gone great.  He already had the blue stripe on his belt from his last attempt at karate a year and a half ago.  He has since added a black stripe to his belt.  He's actually taking it pretty serious and working very hard in class.  My little guy is growing up.  Sniff.
 I love taking picture of him because it's always interesting to see what faces his finds appropriate to make when I ask him to smile.
 Example:  Say cheese.  And, this is what I got.
 Tuck showing us the horse stance.
 Another of his poses.
Classic Tucker smile.
After receiving his black stripe.  This was a very proud moment for Tucker.

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