Sunday, November 4, 2012

Louisville Slugger Museum

Day two me and Luke began tackling the mound of homework Mrs. Marksberry sent home for Luke for two weeks.  We spent about 2.5 to 3 hours a day doing homework.  Fun.  After we finished our homework Kenton agreed to go with me and the boys to the Louisville Slugger Museum.  Kent and I learned a lot and really enjoyed ourselves.  I think this may be better when the boys are older and can fully appreciate what they are seeing.  Luke liked it okay and Tucker was bored to death.  :) 
 In front of the huge bat.
Kenton doing his best impersonation of Derek Jeter.  I really wanted to get the boys picture with Jeter, but they didn't think that would be as much fun as I thought.
What in the world?
 Wow, he hit that one hard.
Could it be?  Is it possible I had a family member that played pro baseball?  Hmmm?
Luke did enjoy the dugout.
The boys spending some time with Uncle Beana.  At one point the boys got to hold and swing bats made for Derek Jeter, I don't know what happened to those picture though.  :(  I ended up getting the boys, and Micah, a t-shirt from the gift shop and a key chain in the shape of a bat.  It was a great afternoon for me. 

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