Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2013 USAFE Martial Arts Tournament

       We put Luke in Karate at the age of four because it was the only thing he was old enough to participate in here on base.  From the beginning he loved it.  On February 23, 2013 Luke participated in his last martial arts tournament here in Germany.  The week leading up to the tournament he missed his last 3 classes before the tournament.  We decided to take a family vacation to Edelweiss and figured he could practice his form while we were there.
       Luke wanted to combine two forms and add cartwheels which labeled his form Kata Tech 6 Combination Form.  Leading up to the tournament Luke's instructors had given him little attention in preparing for the tournament because they didn't know he was competing.  I really felt this was lousy because you have to register for these tournament and I couldn't figure out how he didn't know.  Luke had received very little preparation going into our vacation.
       Once we reached Edelweiss, every night Luke would go into the hall with me or Micah and practice his forms.  He would tell us what he wanted to add (tornado kick, cartwheel, etc.) and we would help him figure out the best place to insert the moves.  You get better scores for difficulty adding other moves.  Luke scored a 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 for his form which tied him for second.  (I know I'm his mom, but the 7.4 was a little low.)  I took video this year and no pictures.  The video won't upload properly.  He had to participate in a tie breaker for second place.  About 3/4 of the way through his form he began pausing while trying to remember moves.  It was disappointing, but he took third and was happy with that.
       After forms comes sparring and Luke always does better in sparring.  This year Luke's first match was again a kid from his class named Carlos.  Luke has been sparring against him every week for about 6 months and usually wins, or so he says.  This year he lost the first match.  I was surprised he wasn't more disappointed with the loss but he took it well.  He was happy with his one trophy.
       With us planning on taking Luke and Tucker back to Kentucky for the summer this was the last Karate event Luke would participate in here in Germany.  We knew he wouldn't be able to achieve his brown belt before he left so we went ahead and let him drop the class.  It's been an amazing experience for both him and us.  We will miss it.
       Tucker began taking classes at age 3, which is the youngest you can be.  He only lasted a month and a half the first time and then at five he thought he'd give it a try again.  He was ready to quit after a month again.  He gave it a try though.  Here are a few pictures looking back over the past few years at Luke's journey.  The pics were in order when I uploaded them.  I don't know why the order got changed.  If anyone knows how to fix that feel free to let me know.
 Luke's first belt testing.
 Master Jorge, Master Jay and Luke with his new Yellow belt.
 Luke's first tournament practicing his form.
 Luke after receiving his orange belt.
 With Master Jay after receiving his orange belt.
 Heading to a belt testing to receive his orange belt.  These photos were in order when I uploaded them.  :(
 Sparring at his first tournament.
 At a belt testing for his green belt.
 At home after receiving his green belt.
 Taking third place in forms at his second tournament.
 Taking second place in sparring at his second tournament.
 Luke with both trophies.
 Luke doing his form at his third tournament.
 Luke receiving his blue belt.
 Lucas and Jacob with their second (Luke) and third (Jacob) place trophies.
 Sparring at his third tournament.
 Second in forms and sparring at his third tournament in 2012.
 At a belt testing for his red belt.
 Receiving his red belt.

 Luke on his first day of karate on July 7, 2010.
Lucas with a couple of stripes on his white belt.

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