Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flat Stanley

       Who is Flat Stanley you ask?  He is a character in a book who is flattened by a bulletin board.  He learns to make the best of his altered state and soon realizes all the fun things he can do.  He learns he can enter locked rooms by sliding under the door, or be used as a kite.  The most exciting part about being flat is that you can visit your friends by mail!  I received a letter from my cousin Shannon in Bowling Green that asked if we would "host" Flat Stanley for a couple weeks and take pictures of him doing fun things. 
       When Flat Stanley arrived he needed clothes.  (To be colored)  It was very cold here and I suggested a nice warm jacket, hat and gloves and he insisted to be dressed Germany clothing.  So, we colored him a lederhosen.  Unfortunately we didn't take any fun trips while Stanley was here.  I was pretty bummed not to be able to send a pic back to Bowling Green of Flat Stanley next to a castle.  Instead he got to visit Lucas and Tucker's classes at school and meet all of their friends.
 Stanley visiting Tucker's Sure Start Class.
 Visiting Luke's 1st grade class.
Luke and Flat Stanley spent some quality time together playing video games too.  It should be noted that this is not the Flat Stanley that Shannon sent and we colored wearing lederhosen.  The day before spring break Luke brought home a Flat Stanley to color and show a good time during spring break.  We didn't go anywhere for spring break, so this is the only picture we have of Luke's Flat Stanley.

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