Monday, July 1, 2013

December 2012

Wow!  It is currently July 1 and I am just now getting around to doing this.  I've been meaning to blog for months, but I let life get in the way.  So, here goes.  It's our last Christmas in Germany.  It's very bitter sweet.  It's the time we miss family the most, but the best time to live overseas.  There is so much to do.  My husbands squadron hosts a Christmas party every year and it is always a blast.  Great food, great wine, great friends and awesome locations.  Me and Suzan Stewart after dinner.  Her husband Jeff works with Micah. 
Micah is the has won the "Chubby Bunny" game 3 years in a row.  So proud of him!  You put a marshmallow in your mouth and have to say "Snowball."  After everyone has done it they add a marshmallow to your mouth and you say it again.  After a few marshmallows people start gagging and spitting them out.  I'm proud to say my husband is awesome at this game.  This year he won a turkey fryer.
The spouses group of Micah's squadron, which I have been involved with, puts on a children's Christmas party.  Santa and Mrs. Clause came and had cookies and milk with the kids.  Then they gave out books to the kids.
 Lucas and Tucker sitting on Santa and Mrs. Clause's lap.
 Tucker's class made Gingerbread houses.  Micah and I volunteered to help.  What a fun time.
 The finished product.
 Tucker was very proud of his house.  He couldn't wait to eat it!
 Isaiah's parents couldn't come so Micah helped him make his.
 Me and my sweet boy.
 Tucker and one of his best buds Dominic Diaz.
 Tucker, Donnell and Ella.  (Ella is Tucker's girlfriend)
Tucker's classroom.  The lady in green is Mrs. Vowell.  Tucker has been so lucky to have her as a teacher this year, she is amazing!
 Tucker made this ornament in class.  It's his fingerprints decorated as snowmen.  It is just precious.
 He was very proud of his ornament.
 He found the perfect spot on the tree for his ornament.
 Luke's class also made Gingerbread houses.
 His class had pajama day where they watched Polar Express.
On pajama day the kids got to leave school early.  Clarissa's parents are both in the Air Force and she wasn't going to get to leave early because both parents had to work, so she came home with us to make sugar cookies.
 Clarissa was also in Luke's kindergarten class last year.  They had a great time.
 Finished products.
Christmas Eve opening gifts from family.  Luke wanted this Ninjago ship so bad and was thrilled when he opened it.  It came from Mimi.
 Tucker loved his dinosaurs Mimi sent too.
 Uncle Beana sent the coolest bat bags for the boys.
 Side view.
 And from the back.
 This is the only picture I got from Christmas day.  Epic picture failure day on my party.
This photo is a bit out of order, but his class took two walking field trips, both to the BX.  One was to watch Rise of the Guardians.  The second was to sing Christmas Carols to unsuspecting lunch goers.  Hope, his this photo was also in Luke's kindergarten class.
 Three classes in all combined to sing. 
 Random pic of Micah and Tucker.
 The battle scene the boys put together after receiving tons of soldiers and army toys for Christmas.
 Two proud little boys of all their hard work.
One of our favorite Christmas activities is attending markets.  We always eat dinner at the markets.  We had so many activities planned this year that we only got to attend two.  This is the Heidelberg market.
And, we have to ride every ride when we attend markets.  It's always freezing when we go, but this year it rained a bit too.  The rain was disappointing because the boys really wanted to ice skate.
 This cute little pyramid was a beer tent!
I cannot believe it was our last Christmas in Germany. 

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