Monday, July 1, 2013

Basketball Season 2013

This spring was the first time Tucker was old enough to participate in Youth Sports.  He got to play basketball, and he was not a huge fan.  Luke, on the other hand, loves to play basketball.  This year Lucas played for the Rockets and Tucker was a Laker.
 Luke's team playing defense.
Luke always got to throw the ball in and he was a point guard for his team.  He had a great season and had amazing coaches.
Tucker has his hands up and is ready to play.  He didn't get to touch the ball much and that got pretty frustrating for him.  At one point he ran over to me and gave me a kiss, in the middle of the game.  When he finally did get the ball he put it on his hip and turned to the girl in front of him and said, "Can I go to the basket?  I just want to go to the basket."  As a very competitive person myself it was very frustrating to watch.  After a while it just got down right funny.
He was very disappointed after his first game that he didn't get a trophy. 
 Tucker playing more defense.
 Luke playing defense.
 I was able to get photos of Tucker and his team between games.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to do the same for Luke.  I really wish I had been able to get a photo of him and his team.  Overall the seasons weren't bad.  I am looking forward to getting back to the states and the kids playing competitive sports.

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