Wednesday, July 10, 2013

East 2013

       I've said it once and I'll say it again.  Our spouses group is amazing!  This years Easter celebration was wonderful.  Kendra Diaz did majority of the work and this girl can throw a party!  She truly should be a party planner.  From the games she planned down to the adorable treats she made, the kids had a blast.  Being away from family during holidays is difficult, but the one thing that makes it easier is friends that feel like family and know how to throw a party!  This years celebration was at one of the parks on base housing.  Here are a few photos of the festivities.
This is baby Jordyn.  Her daddy and Micah came into the military at the same time.  They were stationed with us in Dover and Luke was even in Jen and Josh's wedding.  They PCS before us and are heading back to Dover.  We are going to miss them so much!
 Getting ready to play a game.  Kendra is the blonde girl on the left who planned the party.
 Tucker won!  He crossed the finish line first with his egg still on his spoon.
 It was a tight race.
 Luke went a bit slower with his egg, but made it to the finish line.
 Getting ready to hung eggs.
 Getting directions for the hunt.
 Tucker found one!
 Both of the boys running for the same egg? 
 Luke found another one.
They had a great time eating snacks, hunting eggs and hanging out with so many friends we've met over the years.
The Easter Bunny finally made it!

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